Locator Vinnytsya ConfectioneriesConfectioneries Vinnytsya

Confectioneries in Vinnytsya

  • Львівська цукерня

    Street Hrushevskoho, tel. 0 (43) 250-82... show
    Street Hrushevskoho, 28, tel. +380(43)250-82-51 more
    Confectioneries Львівська цукерня located in Vinnytsya, Street Hrushevskoho. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 23:00.
  • Caramel Studio

    Vinnytsya, Street Hrushevskoho, tel. 0 (98) 269-28... show
    Vinnytsya, Street Hrushevskoho, tel. +380(98)269-28-52 more
    Confectioneries Caramel Studio located in Vinnytsya, Street Hrushevskoho. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 10:00 to 21:00.
  • Тарта

    Street Zodchykh, tel. 0 (68) 364-94... show
    Street Zodchykh, tel. +380(68)364-94-94 more
    Confectioneries Тарта located in Vinnytsya, Street Zodchykh.
  • Солодка Мрія

    Vinnytsya, Street Perohova, tel. 0 (68) 081-67... show
    Vinnytsya, Street Perohova, 46, tel. +380(68)081-67-00 more
    Confectioneries Солодка Мрія located in Vinnytsya, Street Perohova. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 20:00.
  • Солодка мрія

    Street Zodchykh, tel. 0 (97) 482-82... show
    Street Zodchykh, tel. +380(97)482-82-82 more
    Confectioneries Солодка мрія located in Vinnytsya, Street Zodchykh. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 21:00.
  • Кофейня КоВалтер

    Vinnytsya, Street Архитектора Артынова, tel. 0 (43) 255-02... show
    Vinnytsya, Street Архитектора Артынова, 45, tel. +380(43)255-02-20 more
    Confectioneries Кофейня КоВалтер located in Vinnytsya, Street Архитектора Артынова. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 21:00.
  • Солодка Мрія

    Street Keletska, tel. 0 (68) 320-91... show
    Street Keletska, tel. +380(68)320-91-99 more
    Confectioneries Солодка Мрія located in Vinnytsya, Street Keletska.
  • Смакотун

    Vinnytsya, Street Zodchykh, tel. 0 (96) 120-77... show
    Vinnytsya, Street Zodchykh, tel. +380(96)120-77-78 more
    Confectioneries Смакотун located in Vinnytsya, Street Zodchykh.
  • Terra Mare

    Street Perohova, tel. 948602085380... show
    Street Perohova, tel. 380948602085380 more
    Confectioneries Terra Mare located in Vinnytsya, Street Perohova.
  • Солодка мрія

    Street Keletska, tel.
    Street Keletskamore
    Confectioneries Солодка мрія located in Vinnytsya, Street Keletska.
  • Тарта

    Street Бевза, tel.
    Street Бевзаmore
    Confectioneries Тарта located in Vinnytsya, Street Бевза. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Шоколадниця

    Street Zamostianska, tel.
    Street Zamostianskamore
    Confectioneries Шоколадниця located in Vinnytsya, Street Zamostianska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 16:00.
  • Confectioneries

    Street Perohova, tel.
    Street Perohova, 9more
    Confectioneries located in Vinnytsya, Street Perohova.
  • Солодощі

    Vinnytsya, Street Матроса Кішки, tel.
    Vinnytsya, Street Матроса Кішкиmore
    Confectioneries Солодощі located in Vinnytsya, Street Матроса Кішки.
  • Солодка мрія

    Street Zamostianska, tel.
    Street Zamostianskamore
    Confectioneries Солодка мрія located in Vinnytsya, Street Zamostianska.
  • LaTorta

    Avenue Kotsiubynskoho, tel. 0 (97) 446-34... show
    Avenue Kotsiubynskoho, 48, tel. +380(97)446-34-36 more
    Are you going to create a culinary masterpiece? Here you will find everything you need! This shop has a variety of pastry tools, ingredients and decorations to help you turn your cake or cake into a...
  • Узбекские Сладости

    Street 600-richchia, tel.
    Street 600-richchiamore
    Confectioneries Узбекские Сладости located in Vinnytsya, Street 600-richchia.
  • Vatsak

    Street Kyivska, tel.
    Street Kyivskamore
    Confectioneries Vatsak located in Vinnytsya, Street Kyivska.
  • Фирменный магазин Roshen

    Street Perohova, tel.
    Street Perohova, 39more
    Confectioneries Фирменный магазин Roshen located in Vinnytsya, Street Perohova. Also this business has 3 branches. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 22:00.
  • Солодка Мрія

    Vinnytsya, Street Danyla Nechaia, tel.
    Vinnytsya, Street Danyla Nechaiamore
    Confectioneries Солодка Мрія located in Vinnytsya, Street Danyla Nechaia. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 19:00.
  • Вінницька цукерка

    Vinnytsya, Street Kyivska, tel.
    Vinnytsya, Street Kyivskamore
    Confectioneries Вінницька цукерка located in Vinnytsya, Street Kyivska.
  • Roshen

    Vinnytsya, Street Vycheslava Chornovola, tel.
    Vinnytsya, Street Vycheslava Chornovolamore
    Confectioneries Roshen located in Vinnytsya, Street Vycheslava Chornovola. Also this business has 3 branches. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 21:00.
  • Шокоlatte

    Street Hoholya, tel. 0 (43) 235-57... show
    Street Hoholya, 16, tel. +380(43)235-57-53 more
    Confectioneries Шокоlatte located in Vinnytsya, Street Hoholya. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Рошен

    Vinnytsya, Street Soborna, tel.
    Vinnytsya, Street Sobornamore
    Confectioneries Рошен located in Vinnytsya, Street Soborna. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 22:00.
  • Confectioneries

    Avenue Yunosti, tel.
    Avenue Yunostimore
    Confectioneries located in Vinnytsya, Avenue Yunosti.
  • Солодощі

    Zaliznychnyi Lane, tel.
    Zaliznychnyi Lanemore
    Confectioneries Солодощі located in Vinnytsya, Zaliznychnyi Lane.
  • Вінницька цукерня

    Street Zodchykh, tel.
    Street Zodchykhmore
    Confectioneries Вінницька цукерня located in Vinnytsya, Street Zodchykh.
  • Barista

    Street Олега Антонова, tel.
    Street Олега Антоноваmore
    Confectioneries Barista located in Vinnytsya, Street Олега Антонова. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 21:00.
  • Кафе-кондитерская Львовская цукерня

    Vinnytsya, Street Hrushevskoho, tel. 0 (43) 250-82... show
    Vinnytsya, Street Hrushevskoho, 28, tel. +380(43)250-82-50 more
    Confectioneries Кафе-кондитерская Львовская цукерня located in Vinnytsya, Street Hrushevskoho. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 23:00.
  • Фирменный магазин Roshen

    Avenue Yunosti, tel.
    Avenue Yunosti, 43аmore
    Confectioneries Фирменный магазин Roshen located in Vinnytsya, Avenue Yunosti. Also this business has 3 branches. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 22:00.
  • Насолода

    Street Keletska, tel.
    Street Keletskamore
    Confectioneries Насолода located in Vinnytsya, Street Keletska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Плюшкин

    Street Danyla Halytskoho, tel. 0 (43) 243-75... show
    Street Danyla Halytskoho, 58а, tel. +380(43)243-75-48 more
    Confectioneries Плюшкин located in Vinnytsya, Street Danyla Halytskoho. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 09:00 to 21:00.
  • Остров сладостей

    Vinnytsya, Street Keletska, tel.
    Vinnytsya, Street Keletska, 57/38more
    Confectioneries Остров сладостей located in Vinnytsya, Street Keletska. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 20:00.
  • Фирменный магазин Roshen

    Avenue Kotsiubynskoho, tel.
    Avenue Kotsiubynskoho, 4more
    Confectioneries Фирменный магазин Roshen located in Vinnytsya, Avenue Kotsiubynskoho. Also this business has 3 branches. Today this business has following schedule by schedule from 08:00 to 21:00.
  • Chamomile

    Street Kyivska, tel.
    Street Kyivskamore
    Confectioneries Chamomile located in Vinnytsya, Street Kyivska.
  • Випічка

    Street 600-richchia, tel.
    Street 600-richchiamore
    Confectioneries Випічка located in Vinnytsya, Street 600-richchia.

A brief overview of confectioneries in Vinnytsya (Vinnytsia Oblast)

Here on this page is collected information about confectioneries, located in Vinnytsya (Vinnytsia Oblast). Locator knows about 36 confectioneries near this place among them Львівська цукерня, Caramel Studio, Тарта and other , which are located on st. Hrushevskoho, st. Zodchykh and other streets near. Here you will find the exact addresses, location map, ☎️ telephones, working hours, reviews about these confectioneries.

  • How many confectioneries in Vinnytsya?

    According to Locator data in Vinnytsya operates 36 confectioneries.

  • Which confectioneries are best in Vinnytsya?

    Locator recommends to visit the following confectioneries in Vinnytsya: Львівська цукерня, Caramel Studio, Тарта.

  • Where are the nearest confectioneries in Vinnytsya to me?

    To find out which confectioneries is closest to you, go to the Confectioneries in Vinnytsya page and bring the Locator map closer to your location or click on the geolocation icon in the map control unit at the bottom right.

  • What are the prices for confectioneries services in Vinnytsya?

    Prices for confectioneries services in Vinnytsya depend on the specific service and confectioneries. Locator allows all confectioneries to specify prices for their services. To find out about them, go to the link on the service page or see the prices on the specific confectioneries page.

  • Which confectioneries services in Vinnytsya are better to use?⭐

    We recommend that you contact confectioneries, which has a high rating according to Locator: Львівська цукерня, Caramel Studio, Тарта.

  • How to contact these confectioneries?

    You can see the contacts for communication with these confectioneries pharmacies by going to their page. Locator provides the opportunity to contact by phone, email, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and through internal messages on the site Locator.

Confectioneries in Vinnytsya near

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